Friday, April 10, 2009

When Life Hands You Lemons

I have been remiss: I need to pass along to a deserving blogger the "When Life Hands You Lemons" award, pictured on the left.

I received the award from Hack Shaft, a newcomer to middle age and martial arts, who's studying Tae Kwan Do and who has TWICE had ACL reconstruction surgery.

I am passing along the award to Michele, whose blog is called "Just A Thought." She also is a martial artist who has undergone ACL reconstruction.

This is a particularly appropriate award for Michele because, following her ACL inury, she has been moved to produce a particularly thought-provoking blog. I don't study a traditional martial art; but for me, Michele and her blog exemplify values that I associate with traditional martial arts: strength, gentleness, modesty, balance, persistence, confidence.

She has tackled subjects like bullying, personal safety and parenting as well as the joys and rigors of traditional martial arts.

Recipients of the "Lemons" award are asked to:

* Post the logo on your blog.
* Nominate blogs that show great attitude or gratitude
* Link to the nominees within your blog post.
* Notify the recipients of the award by commenting on their blog.
* Share the love and link back to the person from whom you received your award.

So here's to Michele of Just A Thought, who has taken the lemons life handed her and turned them into lemonade.

1 comment:

Michele said...

Oh my! Thank you!

Bob, I appreciate your kind words and the "When Life Hands You Lemons" award. It was after reading your blog that I was inspired to create my own.

I will give it some thought and make sure I pass on the award. Thanks again!